Find the right freelance support for your charity
Search our charity freelance directory, access resources, and find connections to support your charity’s goals
Finding good help can be hard. Let’s connect you with people who get it!
We understand the struggles charities face when it comes to finding good help. We recognise the importance of having access to specialised expertise and support to make a bigger impact. Recruitment for key positions is harder than ever.
Especially for small charities, the need for freelance support is overwhelming. We make sure you can find trusted freelancers who understand the challenges you face.
Find a charity freelancer
From design to fundraising, comms to research and evaluation, we’re a network of freelancers who understand the specific challenges faced by the third sector.
Search for freelancers, create a shortlist, meet your chosen expert online for tea and biscuits (bring your own), and get the help you need!
Resources for charities

For Impact: The Charity podcast

Charity Video Workshops